LOLU™ HEALTH Keto Intermittent™ (KInD™) Program 3 Weeks Follow-up Plan for existing clients ONLY: 2 Weeks KInD + 1 Week DASH Plate (Registered Nutritionist, Reg. 82021301; Registered Dietician, Reg. 20-02273)

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Regular price ₩183,000 KRW
Regular price -37% ₩292,000 KRW Sale price ₩183,000 KRW


Do you want to personalise your diet?

If you want to lose weight, lower your blood glucose or blood pressure, need special diet during pregnancy or breastfeeding or recovering from hypo-/hyperthyroidism or easing IBS, or simply need anti-inflammatory meals to boost your immunity, or a nutritious meal for senior health.

Ask our registered nutritionist (Nutrition Society of New Zealand, Reg. 82021301) and registered dietician (New Zealand Dietitians Board under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, Reg. 20-02273). (You may use your health insurance! Check your health insurance policy.)

What do we provide?

We will start your pre-assessment before the DIET ASSESSMENT by giving you some homework one week before the scheduled appointment.

A. We need to know your body measures and your age to learn your health information.

B. To help us know your current diet better, we need you to record precisely what you normally eat on 2 weekdays and 1 weekend (3-day food diary) a week before your scheduled DIET ASSESSMENT.

What will you know?

  • Your basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  • Your daily energy requirement
  • How much protein, carbohydrate, and fat you need in your diet to maintain a healthy body composition
  • Whether your current diet is healthy or not
  • A diet plan (with cooking instructions)
  • A eating schedule (what time to eat your meals)

The assessment is 30 min, 15 min chat, plus 1-month off-line nutrition support. You will receive a personalised nutrition report after the assessment.

You can start by clicking "Book now"below.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For medical advice, please seek the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner before purchasing.